
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Enable God Mode In Windows 7 And Vista

windows 7 god mode

In this tutorial i will show you to enable God Mode in Windows 7 and Windows Vista. By enabling God mode you can access all your windows setting from one folder and it makes really easy to access and change windows settings. This work 32 as well as 64 bit operating system. So lets enable God mode on your computer.

How to do it ?

  1. On your desktop right click and create a New Folder.
  2. Rename this folder to the code given below.


  3. Done now double click on this folder and you will have access to all your windows operating system settings.

----Video Tutorial On Enabling God Mode:--

Making Nameless Folder In Windows

creating nameless folder
In this small tutorial i will show you a smilpe windows trick. Basically you can not make folder with no name on windows. This trick will allow you to make folder without any name. This trick works on any windows  operating system.

How To Make Nameless Folder----------------------------------------

Before attempting this trick, try to make a folder with no name and you will fail to do so. This is what this trick will let you do. Below is screenshot of folder before and after doing this interesting trick.
creating nameless folder
creating nameless folder

>> Make a Newfolder on desktop or where ever you want.

Right click on this newly created folder and select Rename.

Erase the text showing "New Folder".

Now keep Pressing Alt (i.e alter key) and type 255. If you are on laptop then you need to enable your Num Lock and type from the highlighted number keys not from those below function keys.

After that leave alt key and Press enter.

Done you just created nameless folder.

HTC mobile secret codes

These codes work on most
HTC Mobile Phones

Phone information b>
Battery information:
Battery history: *#*#7780#*#*
This code for Bluetooth test:
Bluetooth device address:
LCD test: *#*#0*#*#*
View RAM version:
WiFi MAC address:
Melody test: *#*#0673#*#* OR
touch screen version:
touch screen test:
proximity sensor test:
GPS test: *#*#1472365#*#* or
PDA, Phone, H/W, RFCallDate:
for PDA and Phone:
FTA SW Version: *#*#1111#*#*
FTA HW Version: *#*#2222#*#*
This code for PDA, Phone, CSC,
Build Time,Changelist number:
This code for Packet Loopback:
to test device press(Vibrationt
and BackLight test also)

Learning PHP, MYSQL and Javascript

     This book will help you to:----------------

Understand PHP essentials and the basics of object-oriented programming
Master MySQL, from database structure to complex queries
Create web pages with PHP and MySQL by integrating forms and other HTML features
Learn about JavaScript, from functions and event handling to accessing the Document Object Model
Use libraries and packages, including the Smarty web template system, PEAR program repository, and the Yahoo! User Interface Library
Make Ajax calls and turn your website into a highly dynamic environment

    NOTE : Password for the rar file is tricks4u

Programmable Home Security Alarm System


In this project we design low cost high performance programmable home security system. This system uses a few LDR's as input sensors. When above sensor(s) get triggered system may dial the user specified phone number (using build-in DTMF generator) and activate the high power audio alarm and lights. All the parameters of DTMF generator, audio alarm and light interface are programmed through the RS232 serial interface.
Current firmware of this system presents interactive control system through the RS232 interface. This control system consist with the menu driven configuration options, self tests, system report generators, etc.
This system also contain 5W (with 4Ω speaker) audio alarm with three selectable tone configurations, which include Police siren, Fire engine siren and Ambulance siren.

System Features

- Touch tone phone dialing interface
- 5W High powerful audio alarm
- 2 sensor interface with separate sensitivity adjustments
- Programmed through the RS232 interface
- Build-In intelligent light ON/OFF switch

Integrated Circuits

This system uses a Microchip's PIC16F877A as a main controller, LM339 as sensor interface, UM3561 as a tone generator and μPC2002 as a speaker driver (audio amplifier). LM7805, LM7812 and LM317 voltage regulators are used to obtain +5V, +12V and +3V respectively.


Fig.1 - Connectors, Jumpers and other controls of the Programmable Home Security Alarm System
The PCB design given with this article makes the assembly much simpler. As PCB contain 230V AC main lines care must be taken while assembling the circuit. As shown in the fig.1 all the photoelectric sensors, some of the switches and alarm speaker are connected with the circuit through the connector bars.

External connectors and controls

DC Power input : Attach DC power supply with 18V - 25V (2A Max.) output.
RS232 Connector : Connect RS232 serial cable to the port to configure the system. Do not use RS232 Null Modem cable with this port.
PHONE/LINE connector : Attach standard RJ12/RJ11 telephone cable connector to this port. One port is need to use with the phone line and remaining port is for the phone (and it is optional).
3V LASER supply : 3V supply line for LASER diode assembly.
Connectors for Sensor 1/2 : Attach high sensitive LDRs for these ports. To get the maximum sensitivity it is recommended to use EG&G VACTEC LDRs.
Status Indicator : Indicate run, program and sensor trigger modes.
Reset Switch : Press this button to reset entire alarm system. This button enable only when the audible alarm get activated. It is not possible to use this function at the phone dialing/ringer states.
Phone dialer enable switch : Turn on this switch to enable the phone dialing feature of this system. Environment Sensor :In-circuit LDR to detect light conditions of the environment.
Alarm Volume Control : Use this to control the output power (volume) of the audible alarm.
230V Light connector : Attach 230V AC light (or related peripheral) to these terminals.
Tone Selector : Configure the master alarm tone from this jumper as follows,
1-2 : Fire Engine Siren
2-3 : Ambulance Siren
Open : Police Siren
(Do not connect jumper terminal 1-3, this combination may permanently damage the entire system) Beeper : Produce beeps (e.g: at the input error, etc.)
Program / Run Switch connector : Attach switch to this header to select Program or Run mode.
Alarm Audio Output : Attach 8Ω (8W) or 4Ω (10W) speaker to this connector.

Calibration and Testing

Once everything is assembled take following steps to calibrate the system,
1. Remove IC1, IC2, IC3 and IC4 from the IC bases.
2. Apply 18V ( to 22V Max.) DC source to the power connector (J3).
3. Check the voltage between Pin12 (GND) and Pin3 of IC2. It need to be 4.8V - 5.1V DC.
4. Check the voltage between GND and E$4 jumper. It need to be 11.7V - 12.3V DC.
5. Check the voltage between Pin1 and Pin3 (GND) of JP1. It need to be 2.5V - 3.1 V
6. If all the above Step 3, 4 and 5 are correct, disconnect the power supply and insert IC1, IC2, IC3 and IC4 in to the appropriate IC bases. Attach suitable speaker to the X4 and connect RS232 cable to the system.
7. Close the jumper J2 (Program Mode) and power on the system.
8. Download and install PuTTY on to the target computer and setup the "Serial" connection with 9600 baud rate (see Fig. 3).

9. Press "2" and enter into the "Parameter Setup" mode. Configure all the parameter options with the appropriate settings.
10. Attach phone line to the PHONE/LINE connector and fix photoelectric LDR sensors to the X1 and X2 connectors.

Fig.2 - DTMF output generated by the system at the testing stages. (Test points : TRN1 input terminals)

11. Press "3" and execute "Self Test".
12. Adjust R4*, R6* and R8* preset controls, if the sensors are not trigged as expected.
13. Adjust R11 preset to control the "Day" and "Night" mode detection.
14. Open the Jumper J2 and press 5 to return to the Run mode.
15. Shutdown the power supply and disconnect the RS232 cable.

Fig.3 - PuTTY configuration setup for Programmable Home Security Alarm System
* R6 - X1 sensor sensitivity, R8 - X2 sensor sensitivity, R4 - sensor gain controller (Common mode)



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Download Parts Layout in PDF format

Download PCB in PDF format


Voltage Doubler Circuit Using IC 4049

The voltage doubler circuit is based on NOT gate CD4049 IC. We are utilizing all 6 gates of NOT gate. To understand the working you should know about the truth table of NOT gate are as follows-

In NOT gate, we will get output as logic high when logic zero is provided and we will get logic zero when logic1 is provided in input.

CD4049 contain six inverter gates in one package as shown in diagram. In this pin 3 is in and 2 is for output for  first gate similarly pin 5 is input and pin 4 is output for second gate similarly we have four more gate. In this 1 is for supply voltage and pin is connected to ground and pin 13 and 16 are unused pin.

In this circuit we are utilizing all six gates of NOT gate. Firstly we have made an oscillator with the help of gate 3 and 4, capacitor C1 and resistor  R1. The frequency of oscillation is determined by the value of R1 and C1. The remaining gates are joined in parallel to act as a buffer. Input pins 3, 5, 14 and 11 are connected together and join to the frequency source from oscillator. Similarly we have connected all output pin 2,4,15 and 12 and terminated to voltage enhancer circuit.

A voltage multiplier circuit can be made with the help of a diode and a capacitor. This can be used to generate more output voltage than the supplied input. Here we are using most popular commonly used half wave series multiplier.

The requirement to make a voltage doubler circuit is 2 diodes, 2 capacitors and an oscillating voltage. As you can see from the circuit in this diode D1 is forward bias and conducts which in turns chare the capacitor C2 to the peak value of input voltage which now turns as a battery in series with the power supply. At the same time D2 conducts because of D1 and charges capacitor C3.Therefore voltage across C3 will be sum of supply voltage and voltage across C2. The main advantage of this voltage doubler circuit is that it allows higher voltage to be created from a low source without the need of a transformer.

Hence at the output of Diode D2 you can operate 12V relay with the help of 6volts supply.
Also check the Voltage Doubler Circuit using 555 Timer IC

Wireless motor control through RF

 Wireless remote controlled toy cars work on the concept explained in this project. Motor control through RF communication is a very interesting application and is widely used in robotics, electronics toys, automation systems etc. This topic covers the way DC motors can be driven by using the controls from a distant place. The controls are transferred from one end to another by employing an RF module.

The remote control application of RF has been extended to operate a motor driver which in turn controls the direction of motors.

The circuit of this project uses RF module to control DC motors through a motor driver IC L293D. Transmission is enabled by giving a low bit to pin14 (TE, active low) of encoder HT12E. The controls for motor are first sent to HT12E. Pins 10 and 11 (D0-D1) are used to control one motor while pins 12 and 13 (D2-D3) to control another motor. The data signals of encoder HT12E work on negative logic. Therefore a particular signal is sent by giving a low bit to the corresponding data pin of encoder.

The parallel signals generated at transmission end are first encoded (into serial format) by HT12E and then transferred through RF transmitter (434 MHz) at a baud rate of around 1-10 kbps. The same signals are acquired by RF receiver after which it is decoded by HT12D. For more details, refer RF remote control.

Since the encoder/decoder pair used here works on negative logic, the decoded signals are fed to an inverter (NOT gate) IC 74LS04. The proper (inverted) signals are then supplied to L293D. L293D contains two inbuilt H-bridge driver circuits to drive two DC motors simultaneously, both in forward and reverse direction.

The motor operations of two motors can be controlled by input logic at pins 2 & 7 and pins 10 & 15. Input logic 00 or 11 will stop the corresponding motor. Logic 01 and 10 will rotate it in clockwise and anticlockwise directions, respectively. Thus, depending upon the signals generated at the transmission end, the two motors can be rotated in desired directions.

L293D Motor Driver IC Image
L293D is a dual H-bridge motor driver integrated circuit (IC). Motor drivers act as current amplifiers since they take a low-current control signal and provide a higher-current signal. This higher current signal is used to drive the motors.

74LS04 | IC 7404
IC 74LS04
7404 is a NOT gate IC. It consists of six inverters which perform logical invert action. The output of an inverter is the complement of its input logic state,

HT12D | HT12D Decoder IC Image
HT12D Decoder IC
HT12D is a decoder integrated circuit that belongs to 212 series of decoders. This series of decoders are mainly used for remote control system applications, like burglar alarm, car door controller,

HT12E Encoder IC Image
HT12E Encoder IC
HT12E is an encoder integrated circuit of 212 series of encoders. They are paired with 212 series of decoders for use in remote control system...
RF Module : Transmitter & Receiver
RF Module (Transmitter & Receiver)

The RF module, as the name suggests, operates at Radio Frequency. The corresponding frequency range varies between 30 kHz & 300 GHz. In this RF system...

USART-to-USB converter using FT232BM chip

Hi guys,
here is an easy an popular way to start using USB in your designs without going into learning the complicated USB protocol. This circuit converts normal USART signals from any microcontroller into USB compatible signals which can be directly connected to the PC. If u r designing a circuit and u need pc interface, then this is the best way, use USB, as the RS232 ports are disappearing from PCs and laptops very fast.

This circuit is as suggested by FTDI's datasheet for the device FT232BM. It also includes an EEPROM to input your device name which will appear in PC when u connect your circuit to PC. The Tx and Rx LED indication is also provided.

Drivers for this IC are available free on FTDI's website mentioned below. The drivers create virtual serial comm ports, hence keep the USB protocol completely in background. U can program yr controller just like u r designing it for RS232 communication!!

New! (21 May 2010)

FTDI has released a RS232 to USB converter in DB9 connector package, an easiest way to migrate from RS232 to USB without any change in your PCB, you can have the footprint of DB9 female connector but place this module instead and you are USB ready!! Really cool!!!

More info:

IR Remote Controlled Car (PWM motor control using ATmega8)


Hi Friends,
in my last post of Simple DC motor Control, I've discussed controlling a small DC motor using the PWM method with MOSFET H-bridge. The circuit was build with microcontroller ATmega8.
Here, I'm extending the same circuit to control the DC motor with IR remote control. The motor is fitted on a toy car wheels with gears, as shown in the figure above.

Following is the schematic (Click on the image to enlarge it):

The circuit uses two PWM channels of ATmega8 for controlling the speed and direction (reverse, forward) of the car, based on the command received from the IR remote. Here, a Sony TV remote was used. The IR codes were received by using TSOP1738 IR detector from Vishay. (Thanks a lot to Michael Spiceland from, for helping me out with the code for IR signal decoding!).

Following buttons on the remote are used for control:
'1' : Start motor
Volume+ : Increase speed
Volume-: Reduce speed
Channel+: Forward direction
Channel-: Reverse Direction
'0': Stop motor

Check out the video (the LED blinks whenevr a key on the remote is pressed. The remote is not visible in the video as I was holding the camera and remote both!!)
The coding is done with ICCAVR compiler. It can be easily adapted to other compilers with minor changes. Complete code is given here:

View Code on Google Docs
Download source code files (zip)

Download datasheet & further info:
TSOP1738 datasheet
Info on Sony remote control codes

Digital Automatic Gain Control Agc

 This project is a digital Automatic Gain Control (“AGC”) system using a PIC16F876 MCU. The ability to set the gain level in a circuit and have it control itself is a very useful function. This circuit is a building block of another project I am working on. A 30W power amp for either the PCS, iDEN or CDMA frequency bands. I will settle on one of those frequencies sometime soon.

Theory of operation: I needed to control the gain so the signals for a digital downconverter (DDC) and digital upconverter (DUC) would be in a specific range so the A/D that processes the IF of the mixers does not get over-driven by the amplitude of the input signals. Using a digital attenuator, logarithmic detector / controller, and a MCU with an A/D converter I was able to accomplish this task fairly easy with minimal components.
System Operation: The heart of this AGC system is the  AD8313  logarithmic detector / controller. It is a demodulating logarithmic amplifier that converts an RF signal to an equivalent decibel-scaled value of DC at its output. The RF input is sampled by the AD8313 through a  20dB (TCD-20-4) coupler. The The AD8313  is connected to the  PIC16F876  A/D via an op-amp configured as a voltage follower. I used a 4.096VDC as the reference voltage giving me a step size of 4mV since the A/D is 10-bits. If the A/D reading is too high it starts turning on attenuators to decrease gain. If the signal is too high, the attenuators are turned off. I placed a red LED and a green LED in the circuit for when the signal is too low or too high (face it, everybody likes to see LEDs light up!). When the input signal is too low, the red LED is on. While the signal is too high, the green LED comes on. If the signal is within tolerance, both LEDs are off. The  HMC273MS10G digital attenuator has a max attenuation of 31dB with increments in steps of 1dB. The amplifier used was a  SGA-6389 SiGe HBT MMIC amplifier. The gain on this amplifier was roughly 14dB and provided a IP3 of +35dBm.


          FIRMWARE:       View .C (CCS PCW) file.

Future Use: The  PIC16F876 has 8K of FLASH as well a bunch of I/O and A/D channels left for other operations. I may even use the USART of the PIC to be able to control the gain of the system via RS232. Could attatch a temp sensor to control the temperature of the overall assembly. If the amplifier gets too hot, turn a fan on. Or even use the AD8313 as a power meter of sorts. There are so many ideas I don’t want to list them all!!! Special note: Many THANKS goes out to Dale Botkin and Edson Brusque for suggestions with the CCS compiler!! This code as well as the little bit of schematic provided can be used as you wish. If you find it useful don't hesitate to drop me a line, I would love to hear about the uses of the AD8313 or PIC in AGC systems that other people have done.

Solar Powered Robot Known as Smiley

 Smiley draws power from the little solar panel on top. His motors are clocks, modified to run considerably faster than normal. The wheels are of a type found on model aircraft landing gears. He feels his way around with 0.3 mm steel wires, bent to form quarter circles.
Smiley's behaviour is based on three rules:

If no feeler switches are closed, the motors will obey the `eyes'. Smiley moves towards the best light, while trying to avoid shadow patches.
If one of the feelers touches an obstacle, Smiley "follows the wall" in the direction of the better light. Both this and the first behaviour are illustrated here.
With both feeler switches closed, the robot will push against one of them, trying to get free.
My other solar-powered `bots - Photovore, SunEater_III, and Son of Photovore - show exactly the same behaviour. But Smiley is the first to manage with just one IC and one transistor as `brain':
Smiley schematic

Smiley's heart is the generator built around the schmitt-trigger/inverter and the transistor on the right. When the solar panel doesn't get much light, its voltage drops. The generator reacts by lowering its frequency, causing the average current consumption of the active motor to drop as well. At 2V, the frequency is only 0.5Hz. Smiley moves about very slowly, consuming only 75uA. At 2.2V, the frequency is about 5Hz, giving ten times the speed at more than 600uA. Use clocks that audibly tick and you'll hear Smiley work up enthousiasm as the light gets better :)
The maximum you want to reach depends on the clocks you find, as the stepping motors inside won't reliably turn clockwise if the frequency exceeds a certain value. My clocks were good up to about 10Hz, giving twenty times the normal speed. With 57mm diameter wheels on the minute hand shafts, that gives Smiley a top speed of about 6 centimeters a minute. Alright, a snail's pace, but you'll definitly see it move.

The single coil, bipolar stepping motors inside the clocks must be driven directly by the Smiley circuit. The modifications are the same as for my original Photovore, and are shown in detail on this page. If you are using different clocks, you will probably need to experiment with different values for the 47uF driver caps and the 390K resistors in the pulse generator. Note that the red LED must have a forward voltage (measured over the LED when it's on) of 1.4V, at least for the clocks shown.
A schmitt-trigger takes input from the feelers and the BPW41 photo diodes. Thanks to the excellent properties of the BPW41 (don't substitute others unless you know what you are doing), the switch from one motor to the other occurs exactly when a line parallel to the wheel shafts points straight at the brightest light, almost regardless of the light intensity. Smiley moves just like my other light-eating `bots. A series of illustrations shows how it works
PCB layourPCB filmClick on the layout in black to download a version in Postscript. Print it using a laserprinter which understands Postscript (or use Ghostscript) on transparant paper. That makes it very easy to transfer the layout to UV-sensitive PCB material.
Under the hood
Use double-sided tape to fix the clocks on the PCB. Fit heat-shrinkable tubing over the minute hand shafts and merely push on the wheels - if you are as lucky in finding so good a match :)
The hood was made of black paper, attached with bits of double-sided tape.

The photodiodes are mounted below the PCB and look downwards at an angle of about 45 degrees. This keeps them out of direct sunlight and makes Smiley move towards better light while trying to avoid shadow patches                                                        Bottom viewUnhappy

Electronic Stethoscope

Schematic for Electronic Stethoscope

Total Qty.
R1 1 10K 1/4W Resistor
R2 1 2.2K 1/4W Resistor
R4 1 47K 1/4W Resistor
R5, R6, R7 3 33K 1/4W Resistor
R8 1 56K 1/4W Resistor
R10 1 4.7K 1/4W Resistor
R11 1 2.2K to 10K Audio Taper Pot
R12 1 330K 1/4W Resistor
R13, R15, R16 3 1K 1/4W Resistor
R14 1 3.9 Ohm 1/4W Resistor
C1, C8 2 470uF 16V Electrolytic Capacitor
C2 1 4.7uF 16V Electrolytic Capacitor
C3, C4 2 0.047uF 50V Metalized Plastic Film Capacitor
C5 1 0.1uF 50V Ceramic Disc Capacitor
C6, C7 2 1000uF 16V Electrolytic Capacitor
U1 1 TL072 Low Noise Dual Op-Amp
U4 1 741 Op-Amp
U5 1 LM386 Audio Power Amp
MIC 1 Two Wire Electret Microphone
J1 1 1/8" Stereo Headphone Jack
Batt1, Batt2 2 9V Alkaline Battery
LED 1 Red/Green Dual Colour Two Wire LED
SW 1 DPST Switch
MISC 1 Stethoscope head or jar lid, rubber sleeve for microphone, board, wire, battery clips, knob for R11

Friday, July 19, 2013

Digital Clock with Arduino and DS1307

ds1307 ICIn this article you will learn how to make a digital clock using Arduino and the DS1307 RTC IC. What is DS1307 IC actually? Well, it is a Real Time Clock (RTC) IC that is simple to use, low cost and easy available. The IC basically is able to count the date and time accurately and it will continue its counting if the backup battery – coin cell battery is there although the mainsupply to the IC is cut off.

Part 1 : Demo Video

This video basically just show on a basic role of a digital clock that can display date, time and day of the week.

Part 2 : Hardware

In this part, I will roughly explain about how you can get started to have your own DIY digital clock!

Step 1

The hardware that you need for this are :

DS 1307 RTC IC x 1 – datasheet
32.768kHz Quartz Crystal X 1
Coin cell CR2032 & the holder
10k resistor x 2
LCD board x 1
Arduino x 1
This is the backup battery(CR2032) and its holder. Easily available in any electronic store.
cr2032 holder

cr2032 holder

Step 2

Ok, let’s get started. First of all, connect the DS1307 circuit as below:
ds1307 circuit diagram

ds1307 circuit diagram

So, it is not necessary to use coin cell battery as the backup battery. You can use any type of battery with volatge range from 2.0V to 3.5V as shown above. However, we choose to use coin cell battery as it is small and easy to carry/install.

Remember not to connect supply voltage of more than 5.5V or else you will get the chip burnt.

Two 10k pull up resistor s are at the SDA and SCL pins. This is due to the reason that DS1307 communicates through I2C interface.

SDA – Arduino pin A4
SCL – Arduino pin A5
Next, wire up the LCD according to the schematic below:

arduino digital clock lcd
arduino digital clock lcd

The R3 value normally to be 220 ohm/330 ohm as a current limiting resistor.

Part 3: Software

The software required: Arduino IDE

There is a pretty easy to use library for this purpose. The name of the library is RTClib which you can download it here: RTClib

This library is easy to use and able to get the date, time and day of the week accurately. I bet you will like it when you try it :)

After that, I uploaded the below coding to my arduino UNO. What this code do is basically just set the time and date according to when the sketch is compiled. It might have some slight delay. Then the set date, time and day of the week will be displayed on a LCD screen. In my case, I am using a 20 x 4 LCD screen.

digital clock Arduino sketch
digital clock sketch
digital clock sketch

Part 4: Pictures
digital-clock-photo diy-ds1307-arduino-module ds1307-pcb

 digital-clock-photo diy-ds1307-arduino-module ds1307-pcb
Part 5: Problems Encountered

Problem 1

When I first trying the new library, the example given only can display date and time and it does not mention about how to display the day of the week. So I started to search on the web and ask in arduino forum about this. You can refer to my thread for more discussions.

So, after some research done in the net, I have finally come to a conclusion. To display day of the week, you can use the below syntax:

int dayofweek = now.dayOfWeek();
     case 1:
     case 2:
     case 3:
     case 4:
     case 5:
     case 6:
     case 0:
The syntax ‘ now.dayOfWeek();’ will give the day of the week in number form, like 0 for sunday, 1 for monday, 2 for tuesday and so on. So, by having the above coding, you can actually convert the output number to string of character for the day of the week. For example when the output number of ‘ now.dayOfWeek();’ = 0, it will display Sunday on the LCD. So as you can see, Sunday is the first day of each particular week.

Problem 2:

Besides, when you first power up the DS1307, the default date and time will be 1/1/2000 0:00 which is not right. So to set the DS1307 to the current time, simply add the line RTC.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__)); to your code as shown in the sample code as attached. Once you have set the time, then comment out this line and upload again. Why? Below example will explain about it:

Lets say you upload and set the time at 2pm. Then u still keep that particular line of code. Then you power on the arduino again at 4pm. But the arduino start the code by adjusting the time to 2pm again. So once u set already, comment that line out and upload again.

Eagle file for schematic & layout (DS1307 RTC Module V1.0)
Hope you are clear about my simple explore about DS1307.

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy! Do comment if you have any doubt. You can reach me in my facebook, facebook page, website or email.
Thank you :)

OfficeSuite Pro 7 (PDF & HD) 7.1.1237 Apk

OfficeSuite Pro 7 (PDF & HD) 7.1.1237 Apk

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OfficeSuite Viewer 7 + PDF&HD 7.2.1283 Android

SPB Shell 3D v1.6.4 APK

SPB Shell 3D: next generation user interface. Enjoy your phone !

SPB Shell 3D 
SPB Shell 3D: next generation user interface. Enjoy your phone!
If you are not able to launch SPB Shell 3D, please use "Home Switcher" application from Android Market.
Next generation user interface. Enjoy your phone!
To launch SPB Shell 3D press the Home button once installation is completed.


  • 3D Home screen/launcher
  • Smart folders
  • 3D widgets
  • Collection of panels and widgets
What's in this version : (Updated : May 24, 2013)
  • Minor bug fixes
Required Android O/S : 2.1+

Screenshots :

  Instructions :
  • Install and run with modded Google play by ChelpuS or
  • Remove license verification with Lucky patcher